Ash Green

Ash Green

Community Primary School

  1. SEND/Pastoral
  2. SEND Support

Mrs McHugh works across both sites to provide staff, parents and professionals with support and guidance, ensuring all children access learning and make good progress despite the challenges they may face on a day-to-day basis. Mrs McHugh can be contacted at

When children are placed on the SEND register, the class teacher is responsible for writing an Individual Learning and Development Plan (ILDP). Children are set small step, bespoke targets pertinent to their learning needs. Children who have additional needs are monitored closely on our SEND class registers. This is reviewed termly and parents/carers are always kept informed.

Children who have significant and complex needs may require an Education Health and Care Assessment. The evidence for this application is collated over time and submitted to the local authority who will consider whether additional funding needs to be allocated to provide children with more support.